Reduce Ink Stock Levels
Introducing a Vale-Tech ink dispenser will stop over ordering of pre-blended inks and allow users to blend ink and custom colours on demand.
Re-Work Return Inks
Vale-Tech ink dispensers are supplied with management software that tracks all material & formula usage and minimises dispensing of fresh product, prompting the user to use or reformulate a previously returned ink,, eliminating waste. This feature is a major incentive and justification for the purchase of a Vale-Tech ink dispensing system.
‘Right first Time, Every Time’ Colours
Accurate, precision dispensing of blends eliminates the chance of shade differences from job to job, meaning a reduction is associated press down-time.
‘Just-in-Time’ Colour Production
Confidence in the Vale-Tech ink dispenser to deliver ‘on shade’ colours allows fresh product to be made just minutes prior to requirment. This ensures, in cases of production changes, that no product is wasted or over stocked. Additionally all ingredients and batch codes are recorded against job numbers for costing and ISO tracking purposes.
Cleaner, Safer Workplace
Your ink room can change from a place to avoid showing customers, to a highlight of a factory tour. The ink dispenser and associated organisation will instantly demonstrate your commitment to quality and efficiency.
Fast Payback & Investment Justification
A Vale-Tech ink dispenser installation can return the initial investment within 12 months, often savings of up to 30% of ink spend can be realised.